Thursday, September 3, 2009

Saturday's Happenings

This past weekend, I went with Jamee and her mom to a craft get together with the Glama Girls. There were craft items to purchase and I assisted in helping the ladies shop.

There were also projects to work on. You may have thought that Bella had a hard time finding our Meadow without Jacob during New Moon, I had an even harder time manuvering through the craft supplies.

The ladies were seperated into two groups and they had a Bejeweled faceoff. Jamee's team won.

There was a lot of food. I helped Jamee make her plate. Since she is on a "special diet," I got her some broccoli.

Jamee also taught me how to use chopsticks. Of course I won't be using chopsticks when I go hunting, but at least I can say I know how to use them.

Have a nice long weekend.


  1. Hey Edward, you are totally getting the hang of this crafting business. I'm glad that you weren't tempted to get any of the ladies and are a true vegetarian by helping Jamee on her special diet.

  2. Since you've come to Hawaii, it's great to see that you learned how to use chopsticks! Looks like you're definitely popular with the ladies, just as we all knew you were!

  3. WTG Edward! you are really a terrific "helper" in all the crafting arenas, lol! Lucky girls! LOL on the bejewled! I'm just smilin' all over :)
